
What post to make on VK. Posting on VKontakte - how to make the right VKontakte post. The meaning of the word "fast"

When people join a group, it would be nice if there was at least some content and some activity there.

Interesting posts increase the flow of people into your community, influence their activity - provide reasons for discussion.

Bad posts they can ruin everything, people can leave the group due to, for example, annoying advertising, uninteresting and dull jokes, old and well-known information.

In a group it’s easy to attract people to discussions - I use this, make posts with an interactive component. You can post news, diluting it with surveys, descriptions of your products, hold competitions and prize draws, try to post valuable information.


The text must be readable. There should not be large amounts of text; divide it into paragraphs. Check spelling and punctuation. If you need to put a lot of hashtags in the text, it is better to do it at the end of the text.

However, if the text itself is huge, then insert the best hashtags at the beginning, they will be viewed more often and, possibly, clicked, and the long text itself will be read by fewer people.

Picture in post

Posts with pictures are almost always more interesting and viewed, unless they are short jokes and little poems. People don't like to read large texts without illustrations. Insert a beautiful image into every post whenever possible. An excellent option is if the picture complements the text or contains small sayings.



A useful and relatively recently introduced VKontakte feature. Conventionally, hashtags can be divided into two types:

  • Are common, For example # Moscow#humor#cats#jokes. They help random people find you in searches and join the community and get involved in discussions.
  • Unique, for example, you have a group about design “ArtPromDesign” - and you publish posts in several categories - environmental design, graphic design, auto design. For easy navigation and searching for material in each section, you need to create a unique but understandable hashtag so that it is not accidentally repeated in other groups, for example:

#ArtPromDesign_environment_design, #ArtPromDesign_design_auto.

Now, if a person clicks on a tag, he will be shown all posts on this topic.

When to post

It is better to post when users are most active - this is approximately from 7 to 10 pm. However, the time may differ for a group of different topics.

If you are going to promote on the most popular social network, then the first step is this, and then figure out how to publish your first post on VK.

If you already have your own VKontakte group, you have probably wondered more than once how to increase its popularity and make it more attractive to potential subscribers. Unfortunately, just having a beautiful group design is not enough unless you make it your goal to regularly publish top-notch news in the form of beautiful posts.

What is a post on VK?

This is a message that is published on the wall of an account or community. Using posts, social network users talk about their news, share interesting opinions, photographs and videos. The published post will be immediately visible to all your friends and subscribers in the news feed. Thanks to it, you can notify about competitions, promotions and advantageous offers, which can be extremely useful for increasing sales.

A bright, beautifully designed and understandable post will very quickly attract the attention of the target audience and allow you to achieve the goal that you set when publishing it. If you regularly publish useful and interesting content aimed at your target audience, you can be sure that your group will rapidly grow in number, and the number of people willing to use your services or make a purchase in the group.

I propose to clearly consider, using the test group as an example, exactly how you can publish posts of all possible types.

Post title

In each group you can make a pinned post, which will always appear at the top of the list. This is very convenient if you want to post any information that should be the first to be noticed by group visitors. Let's take a closer look:

You need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Everything you write in this field will become the text of your title:

If you are satisfied with the entered text, you just need to click on the “Submit” button and your post will be published.

Select the “Pin” item. After this, we refresh the browser page by pressing the F5 button and see the result:

The entry is now displayed as a group header. Until you unpin it, it will always be located exactly there.

How to write a text post

Great, we've sorted out the creation of the header. Now you need to understand how to send a regular text post. Again, to do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Everything you write in this field will become the text of your post:

How to publish a post with a photo

You can make a post with a picture, and optionally add the necessary text to it. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the camera icon:

By selecting the desired image from the specified location, it will be loaded into the post being created:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, it turns out to publish a post with our text and image:

Video post

You can make a post with a video recording, and optionally add the necessary text to it. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the film strip icon:

By selecting the desired video from the specified location, it will be loaded into the post being created:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, we manage to publish a post with our text and video.

Poll post

Also a great opportunity would be to create a poll or poll that can be posted as a post. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

Here we select the “Poll” tab. A form for creating a survey appears. Enter the survey question and suggested answer options in the required fields. Fields are provided for several additional questions.

When the work is done, all you have to do is click the “Submit” button to publish your survey:

Post on VK with music

You can make a post with an audio recording, adding the necessary text to it if you wish. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the note icon:

A window will open in which you can select the audio recordings you want to add. Keep in mind that you can only add to a post those videos that have already been uploaded to the audio section of your account.

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, you can publish a post with your text and audio recording.

You can attach a document of absolutely any type and format to your post. Unfortunately, group subscribers will only be able to see your file by its name and extension. Therefore, be sure to indicate which program can be used to tear off this document.

Here we select the “Document” tab. A list of documents you have previously downloaded will appear. Here you can upload a new document by clicking on the “Upload new file” button:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, it turns out to publish a post with your text and document.

How to attach a card to an entry in VK

You can also post with an attached section of the map. Very often this allows you to clearly show where a certain place is located, so that it is easier for others to navigate and does not have to use search engines for this.

To send such a post, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

A map of your city will open. Here you can specify the required street and house number, and then click on the “Attach location” button.

After this, the map section will be loaded into the post you are creating:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, you can publish a post with your text and a section of the map.

How to add a graffiti post

You can make a post with your own graffiti, adding the necessary text to it if you wish. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

Here we select the “Graffiti” tab. A window will appear where you can draw graffiti using different colors and settings:

Creating a post with delayed publication

The post creation capabilities are impressive. You can create several news items in advance and specify the exact time when each of them will be published. This is very convenient if you cannot make posts every day, but it is possible to prepare them in advance.

To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu. Here we select the “Timer” tab:

You will be able to set the exact date and time, down to the minute:

After this, all you have to do is click the “Queue” button to send the post to await the specified time:

Please note that the post is located in the “Delayed” tab, where you can publish it ahead of schedule at any time. If you don’t want to do it manually every time, then choose the appropriate service.

It is in this publication that you can learn how to make a VKontakte post interesting, and the technical possibility for creating a post in VKontakte will also be described.

This is one of the little secrets of the contact network, which you will learn about and be able to use it yourself if necessary.

It turns out that a post on this very social network, if done correctly of course, can make your contact page more popular, gather the necessary audience, and attract additional subscribers. Of course, if you need subscribers, because some people don’t even pay attention to this. But you can still make a VKontakte repost!

The wall consists of an active field into which you can add the desired text, and in addition, attach a photo, video or audio recording, graffiti, note, document to it. And you can even attach a map, for example, where the photo you published was taken. When publishing a photo, you can publish it from an existing album on your contact page, or upload it from your computer.

You can upload a fresh video, or select it from the “My Videos” section.

A very important feature is the ability to add a survey!

By creating a discussion topic, you can ask your subscribers what interests them. This will allow you to make sure that your audience is active and draw the conclusion you need.

It turns out how many opportunities publishing a post on VKontakte provides!
You can also see this function, which is not clear to many contact users. This function is called a "timer".

What does this function provide to the user? – And the VKontakte timer makes it possible to schedule several posts. This means that you can prepare several posts on your wall that will be published automatically on the day and time you specify.

This can be a good help if you are leaving somewhere, and you really need publications in contact. This is especially necessary for those who earn money through contacts and run their own business.

These functions also work in a group. If you have a thematic community, which is also called a group in contact, then you can use this timer. Wow!

It turns out that posting on VKontakte is a pretty good and serious activity!

Make posts in contact, extracting from them and achieving your goals.

How to create a VKontakte news

VKontakte has a great opportunity that allows all network users to create various posts on their wall or on the wall of their community. Thanks to such posts, you can tell your friends on VKontakte about your interests, hobbies, favorite performers, actors, TV presenters, publish entire music albums, films, books and much more. This opportunity allows network users to reveal their personality to the fullest!

In order to create news, first go to your wall and left-click in the “What’s new with you?” column. After that, in this column you can write an informative message on a topic that interests you. Here you can write anything you want: express your opinion on various events, publish a biography of a celebrity, share your creativity. There is nothing complicated about this, but how to make VK news so that many users like it? To make your post more interesting, you can attach a photo of the person or event you are writing about. If you wrote about the work of your favorite artist or group, it would be appropriate to attach audio recordings with songs by this artist. This way, you can publish entire music albums and attach a photo of the album cover to them. To listen to your favorite artist or group, your friends just need to go to your page. If you want to attach a photo, video or audio recording to your entry, to do this, click on the “Attach” button, which is located at the bottom right under the entry and select what interests you. You can choose a photo, video, audio, graffiti, note, document, map, poll or timer.

So, you need to attach a photo. To do this, hover your mouse over the “Photo” link and click on it. After this, a new window will open in front of you, in which you can select a photo that you already have in Contact from your albums. This includes all your saved photos and photos that you previously published on your wall. If you want to attach a photo that you do not have in your albums, you can use the “Upload Photo” button at the top. After you click on this button, a window will open in front of you where you can select any photo that is on your computer. Next, you need to click on the “Open” button, and the photo will appear on your wall. So, now you know how to create a news item in VKontakte and attach a photo to it.

In order to attach a photo to a post from your computer, you can use another method. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the image of the camera in the column for entering information. After this, a window for uploading files from your computer will immediately open in front of you. At the end of the operation, when the post is ready for publication, you need to click on the “Submit” button.

So, after you have made a post on your wall, each of your friends will be able to read your news in the news feed. To do this, go to the “My News” section and open “Feed”. By the way, not so long ago we told you how to create a VK conversation.

A post in the community is created according to the same principle as on a user’s wall. The only difference is the audience. News on a community wall can only be read by subscribers of that community. Therefore, the more network users are in your community, the more people will know about your news.

So, now you know how to make news on VKontakte. This will be useful to any user who wants to publish their creativity, inform other network users of important news, or simply make their VKontakte page more interesting.

Wiki pages

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Usually quite short posts are published on VK. A little text, photos, a couple of videos. And this format works because it corresponds to the way the majority of users consume. But sometimes we need to publish a large article, or a master class, where the text is interspersed with photographs, illustrations and short videos. What to do, since a standard post does not provide such an opportunity? The answer is wiki posts. Not many administrators know about this format. And, as my practice shows, if the material is really high-quality, the format with a wiki page allows you to get a very good response.

Here is one of the latest examples. A typical post on my blog gets 100-200 likes and 30-40 shares. And here...

Where XXX is the ID of your public, and “Page_name” is any word or sentence that will name your wiki page. Please note that it will be impossible to edit the page title later! Therefore, think over the name in advance so that you don’t have to create a new one later. To find out the ID of your public, go to “Page Statistics”. An address like this will open in your address bar: - the last digits in the address “68730272” are the public ID.

Watch the video tutorial to better understand creating wiki pages:

1. Create a wiki page 2. Fill out a wiki page 3. Get a link to a wiki page 4. Add to a post 5. Add a cover image

Watch the tutorial to better understand how this is done:

A menu is a regular post with a wiki page, which is attached to the public header. There should be links to categories inside the wiki page. They can be designed simply as text, or you can order the layout of a graphic menu.

Watch the video tutorial:

1. Create at least one post with a cover image and a wiki page. You can take a finished article from your favorite blog (but don’t forget to indicate the source). 2. Create a simple wiki menu with links to the sections of your public page.

How to create a unique post on VKontakte

These simple ways will help you make amazing posts that users will be happy to share and spread across the network.

Do you want to learn from A to Z all the art of creating and promoting profitable VKontakte groups? The business kit “3 monetary goals using the VKontakte group” will help you with this. Create a self-growing income on the most popular social network!

Hello friends!

Today I will tell you about how to correctly publish posts on VKontakte in order to get the maximum benefit from it to promote your group or account. I will give you some ideas on what posts to publish, where to get content for posts, and you will also get some tips on how to publish all this correctly.

Let's start with content ideas for posts.

Idea No. 1. Text posts

Text posts help collect search traffic from the social network, as well as from search engines.

The idea of ​​collecting content for text posts is discussed in detail in the article. Therefore, I will not dwell on this idea, read the link and use it in your practice.

Idea No. 2. Manual search. News, quotes, humor, jokes and so on

In fact, this is an analogue of the previous idea, only this time you will have to open Yandex or Google yourself, enter a key query in the search and manually rummage through the search results.

The advantage of handmade work is that, firstly, you will find a lot of high-quality, fresh, interesting and practically ready-made information.

Secondly, you will find sites that regularly publish news, humor and other latest information on your topic. Add these sites to your bookmarks, from which you will later draw fresh information for your group.

Thirdly, in the search results you will also find pictures and videos for your queries, and this is also material for posting, but we’ll talk about this later.

Idea No. 3. Images for posts

In the previous idea, we already touched on how to look for interesting pictures for posting. Use both Yandex and Google for this.

In addition to search engines, you can search for excellent high-quality images on various photo hosting sites and photo stocks.

You need images like you need air. They are a great eye-catcher, and VKontakte users love them very much. You can publish them as separate posts or attach them to your text posts to attract attention.

Some particularly successful posts with images shoot out and work as powerful viral advertising - when VKontakte users begin to actively share the picture with each other and, accordingly, attract a lot of new members to your group.

Idea No. 3. Thematic video

Essentially, everything is the same. You have a database of keywords. Open Yandex.Video, YouTube and look for interesting video materials on your topic. Feel free to repost all the videos you find and publish them in your group. With video materials you will attract a considerable number of new participants and retain existing ones.

Indicate in the video description the address of your VKontakte community with a call to join. Although, it would be more tempting to say “more videos on this topic here -> your_address”. Thus, when the video spreads across the social network, users will move to your group.

Idea No. 4. Posts from other communities

You can repost approximately 10% of your daily posts from other communities on topics similar to yours.

Of course, such reposts can lead your visitors to other groups, so use this idea as little as possible. However, to save time, you can sometimes use competitors' content.

You can, of course, not repost, but simply copy posts and publish them in your group on your own behalf - this is a matter of conscience and honesty, it’s up to you...

Idea No. 5. Memes

Enter “create a meme online” in Yandex or Google. You will see hundreds of sites for creating memes. Go to them and imagine how you can use the proposed memes in your topic.
Do it, save it and post it to your group.

Idea No. 6. Paid publishing of posts

If you have the budget, or once your group begins to generate a stable profit, you can outsource the process of publishing posts in your group.

How to do it?

Firstly, for this purpose you can hire an employee for 5-10 thousand per month and entrust him with searching and publishing posts. You can hire an employee for such a position at Just don’t forget to control the quality of posts and periodically “insert caps”.

Secondly, there are special services that specialize in this service.

For example, here is one of such services: The cost of publishing posts here is quite inexpensive - around 1000 rubles per month. There is only one minus - your posts will not be unique; in addition to you, they will also go to other groups that use this service. You can use these services, for example, to publish 50% of daily posts (for the masses), and publish the rest unique posts - yourself or with the help of a hired employee.

Here is another service that allows you to find and publish posts The service has a free period of 14 days, and the further cost of service is low - around 250 rubles per month. A big plus of this service is the independent selection of posts for publication. The downside is still the same, the lack of uniqueness of the posts.

Above, I gave you several ideas that I use myself to publish posts. By using these ideas, you'll be providing your group with interesting and useful content for years to come. I am sure that with experience, you will also find your own additional ideas for posting.

Now I want to give you some more tips regarding posting so that your work is productive and leads you to success.

Be sure to write a text annotation for all graphic, video posts or documents. It is important. The fact is that your posts perform two functions: they serve as content for the members of your group, and at the same time they serve as content for search results - to attract new members to the group. So, search results analyze only the text content of your posts. Therefore, in order for users to find your posts in search and come to your group, each post must have a text part and it must contain keywords.

Always attach a rich image to text posts that is meaningful. People don’t always want to read the text; most often they just skim the content. And when they see your picture, they can catch their eye on it, and then read the text of the content, and after that, go to your group and, possibly, become a member of it.

In addition to pictures, you can also design the text itself to attract more attention. You can get various symbols for the text here or here Just don't abuse it. There is nothing good when posts start to be as colorful as parrots.

It is important that your posts should be as unique as possible. Simply copying text somewhere along with a picture is very bad form. At least edit the text minimally and add a couple of your thoughts. If you copy text from somewhere, and there is an image with it, be sure to look for and insert another, your picture, into the post. If you are comfortable with Photoshop, you can change the pictures themselves a little. In general, the more unique your posts are, the better for you and your group. If you publish unique images of yourself, add a logo or watermark of your group to them - when the image begins to spread across the Internet, you will begin to be recognized and found.

VKontakte users do not like to read a lot. Short posts receive 23% more reactions. There should not be a lot of text in any of the design elements. The optimal post size is from 100 to 220 characters. Thematic collections and text master classes can be up to 1000, some entertainment posts can be up to 600-700 characters. Product information and announcements should not exceed 220 characters.

Separately, I would like to once again draw your attention to the category of humor. It doesn't matter how serious your topic is. Everyone loves humor. Having humor in your content will help you keep the activity of your participants at a fairly high level. Therefore, be sure to publish at least 5 posts a day with humor, anecdotes, funny pictures, videos, etc.

The same applies to the news category. Monitor current news on your topic and publish it in your group, this way you will teach your participants to receive the latest news on the topic in your group, and this will bring great success to your group as a whole.

Gifts for participants. Periodically post gifts to group members on your topic in the documents section in your group. This could be some kind of e-book, a useful program, or a coupon for a discount or freebie at a themed establishment (these can be found on coupon sites or through independent negotiations with establishments of your theme). Just remember about copyright law, do not publish materials that cannot be distributed without the permission of the author. On the site resell club "Master of Resale Rights" You can search for materials on your topic with an official distribution license.

I'll give you a chip. Everything we talk about is good, useful and works. But. In addition to the fact that group members will view your posts in their feed, it would be good for them to visit the group itself as often as possible. How to achieve this? Firstly, as we said above, you can train them by regularly publishing news on your topic. Secondly, the trick itself is to periodically publish unfinished posts. For example, you published an interesting video in the video section - great. Now start a post in which you write about how cool this video is, and at the end of the post write: “And you can watch the video itself in our group” and a link to the group. Or make a picture with a joke in it. Post it in photos. And in the post, write the beginning of the joke and add: “Read the continuation in our group.” You can do the same with the gifts we talked about above. Do you understand the idea? Be sure to use it.

Another idea. Collections and tops - organize any of your or copied material into “Top Most”, “Top 5”, a selection of something for something, and you will get a lot of likes on the same material. Remake other people's tops and get the same thing. In general, the idea of ​​organizing something “best of” works great in any topic.

And one last thing. It is advisable to distribute the publication of posts throughout the day. There is no point in throwing out all the posts at once at the same time. Moreover, it is better to publish 60% in the evening, when VKontakte users are most active. How to do this so as not to sit at the computer all day? For this purpose, VKontakte has a special “timer” tool. When you publish a post, there is a special “timer” link at the bottom in the drop-down menu. Click on it and set the date and time when this post should be published, the tool will save your post and publish it automatically at the right time. With this tool you can plan your posts at least several years in advance. This means that you can work hard, for example, on weekends, “set up” posts for the week ahead, and then don’t even turn on your computer for the whole week - your posts will be published automatically at the time you set. A very convenient tool, use it in your work. With its help, you can work only at a time convenient for you and constantly publish your posts for the future period, giving yourself a constant reserve and a head start.

I hope that I have explained the issue of publishing content in sufficient detail for you, and now you clearly understand what and how to publish. Remember, it is important not to miss a single day. Every day you should have 10-30 posts in your group.

By regularly publishing interesting and useful posts, you will ensure sustainable development for your group. And if you want a comprehensive guide to creating, promoting a group and making it profitable, I recommend that you read business package “3 monetary goals using the VKontakte group” .

Perhaps the most important part of promoting a VKontakte group is filling it with content. Beginners often face numerous questions. How many posts should I publish? What content to publish? When to publish? What is the purpose of doing all this? I will try to answer all these questions in this article in order to give you a clear vision of how to fill your VKontakte group with content to ensure the usefulness of […]

Hello friends! Today I will tell you a secret way to create an unlimited amount of content for posts in a VKontakte group, which group admins are silent about. The method, frankly speaking, is not very honest, but with its help you will collect text material for publication in the group for several years to come. Moreover, without much difficulty and almost fully automatically. Collecting content […]

Hello friends! Today we will look at the possibility of creating a serious business on the Internet using the VKontakte group. Why the VKontakte group? Yes because, today, this is one of the best ways to create a permanent income. Moreover, the income is SELF-GROWING. And it is still possible to start this business only with your own labor, and this opportunity is disappearing every day. Where to begin? […]

Hello friends! In today's article, let's look at how to choose a profitable theme for a VKontakte group. We will select topics for earning money. That is, for those cases when you purposefully create a group in order to subsequently make money from it, for this we will select a profitable topic. If you already have your own direction for making money on the Internet, then [...]

Pin the post in VK You can do this both on the community page and on your personal page. Let's look at the main ways pin the VKontakte post.

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are pinning the article. If this is an advertisement, then in accordance with the new rules of the social network, you can pin an advertisement without an active link, and you cannot pin reposts of other people’s groups under any pretext.

So, let's look at a few different methods of securing.

How to pin a post in a group

It was not for nothing that I noted that we will be pinning it in the group, since posts in this type of community can only be pinned if the post is made on behalf of the group, and not on behalf of the editor.

To pin a post, click on the time of publication. The entire post will open and at the bottom of this post there will be a “pin” button. Click it and refresh the page.

The second option is to click on the three dots at the top right of the post. Select “pin” from the drop-down menu.

How to pin a recording from your phone

If you administer a community from a mobile phone or you do not have access to a computer, then opposite the entry, click options (usually the “ellipsis” button). In the options, select "pin".

If you want to give some important information to members of your community, then do it in the form pictures in the group description. This is better than pinning the text, since the text is mostly read only in pictures (experience). In plain text format, people will think it's a description of a band they've seen many times.

Example of a pinned post

How to pin a post in public

Everything is the same if you pin it in a group, then here you can even publish news on your own behalf. You also need to click on the time of publication and at the bottom of the article you will have a button.

We have just learned how to pin posts on the wall of a VKontakte group and public page. Now let's talk about how to make a pinned post on your personal page.

Here you are not required to comply with the rules of the social network, except for the rules that violate the laws of the Russian Federation, of course. Well, you can’t sell personal accounts and methods of promotion and mutual PR. But this is nothing compared to the bans that I have been imposing on communities lately.

To fix the post on the wall you also need to click on the time of publication and select “pin”. Here you can pin posts of absolutely any authorship. Even if a complete stranger wrote on your wall.